Human Resource Development
Aiming to develop human resources who will lead the company 10 years from now, we strive to create a lively and energetic corporate culture.
Tiered Training
Nippon Chemi-Con uses an enriched employee education system to encourage diverse individuality and support the growth of individuals. Playing a particularly important role is our tired training system. By polishing the skills necessary depending on service years and job positions, we are able to foster the development of human resources with the knowledge and experience suited to the needs of society and the market.
Training for Newly Hired Mid-Career Employees
We conduct training for mid-career employees as well as new graduates. Employees are provided opportunities to go on factory tours and meet with related departments. This creates an environment that enables mid-career employees to make early contributions.
Global HR development program
Started in FY2018 as part of our global human resource development, this program provides employees selected through an open enrollment system with the opportunity to train at an overseas affiliate. These opportunities are expected to contribute to employee career formation.
Self-reporting System
We have established a system for employees to submit reports once a year on how they feel about their daily work, their approach to their own work, and their career. Submitted reports can only be viewed by the head of the human resources division, which promotes the submission of honest opinions.
Self-improvement Support (Distance Learning)
Nippon Chemi-Con conducts distance learning seminars twice a year to promote self-improvement. We offer some 200 courses on business skills, technology, credentials, and the latest trends, allowing employees to select courses most suited to their own needs. We provide multifaceted support for employee self-improvement. In addition to providing tuition subsidies that cover half the costs of training courses for employees who complete training, we also link that training to our HR system by allocating "career points" that are critical to promotions and advancement.