Vision/PolicyEnvironmental Policy
About Environmental Policy
Nippon Chemi-Con has established environmental policy to promote environmental conservation as a Group. The "Environmental Policy" is a basic guideline for the environment shared by the entire Group. It was established in February 1996 and has been partially revised to the present.
The production sites of the Nippon Chemi-Con Group have adopted more specific policies that are consistent with the "Environmental Policy" and that take into account the characteristics of the products, activities, services and regions of each site.
Nippon Chemi-Con's Environmental Policy
This environmental policy applies to all organizations of the Nippon Chemi-Con Group that engage in environmental management activities.
1. Corporate Philosophy
"Contributing to Environmentally and People Friendly Technology"
The Nippon Chemi-Con Group believes that conserving the global environment is one of the most important concerns facing us today. For this reason, we are making every effort to help bring about an environmentally sensitive society: that is a society with sufficient resources to ensure the health of our earth and of everybody living on it. To meet this goal, we are making a comprehensive effort to develop and utilize innovative new technologies.
2.Environmental Policy
Each organization in the Nippon Chemi-Con shall establish their own environmental policies in compliance with our corporate environmental policy, and conduct its management activities accordingly. The Nippon Chemi-Con Group:
- Structures business operations at every level for conserving the global environment by all available means.
- Recognizes the environmental effects of the Group’s operations accurately, sets environmental objectives, and implements continuous improvements of the environmental management system operation aimed at improving environmental performances, conserving the global environment and considers biodiversity.
- Observes all environmental laws, regulations, agreements, etc. and also devises and implements its own internal standards as required, so that the Group is continually motivated to meet ever-rising performance targets.
- Promotes the following in the Group's business:
- Promotes Carbon neutral and Energy conservation for Global warming prevention
- Proper control of Chemical substances in the products and in which are used at production sites
- Effective use of resources, Waste reduction including plastics (3R: Reduce, Reuse, Recycling)
- Promotes the development and marketing of products that have a less impact on the global environment.
- Educates and enlightens our entire workforce in matters concerning environmental issues in order to heighten their awareness of environmental problems and their will to participating in environmental management activities.
- Verifies the priority of the Group's environmental management performance by sufficient use of monitoring and checking functions.
- Regarding environmental risks such as pollution accidents and emergencies that impact the environment, and climate change risks, we will strive to prevent their occurrence, and establish and maintain a management system to minimize the impact when they occur.
- Ensures that our staff cognizant with the environmental management activities of the Group and releases to the public related information in a constructive manner and has sufficient communication with the local community and everybody else involved.
April 1, 2024
Norio Kamiyama
Representative Director and President
Nippon Chemi-Con Corporation