Nippon Chemi-Con embraces the corporate philosophy of "Contributing to Environmentally and People Friendly Technology." Under this philosophy, we have contributed to people's lives and technological innovation for many years.
The Nippon Chemi-Con corporate philosophy embodies our belief that the technology and growth that support society must not hurt the environment or people.
We continuously maintain the awareness that our activities and business operations have the potential to impact the environment and society. As a member of society, we embrace that awareness and sense of responsibility as we engage in our business activities.
At Nippon Chemi-Con, we believe that earning the trust of society and making continuous contributions to society by engaging and maintaining balance with stakeholders is the true goal of sustainability.
Our Basic Policy of Sustainability
On the basis of our corporate philosophy embracing "Contributing to Environmentally and People Friendly Technology," we at the Nippon Chemi-Con Group are determined to establish proper cooperation with all of our stakeholders including customers, suppliers, workers, shareholders, investors and local communities. We will strive for building a sustainable society and enhancing our corporate value.
1. Working on environmental problems and climate change risks through business
Throughout every process of our business activities, we will work on reducing CO2 emissions and wastes, promoting reuses, and protecting global environments including biodiversity. Through the activities, we will also make the most of our technical capabilities based on our accumulated material technologies in order to offer environment-friendly products and services, contributing toward building a society friendly to the environment and people. Furthermore, we will address climate change risks within the TCFD framework.
2. Promoting diversity and inclusion
We are aware that the very circumstance accepting workers' diverse backgrounds and their different senses of values will lead to fostering new ideas and conceptions and enhancing corporate value. To this end, we are striving for developing a working environment that considers diverse careers and easy-to-work conditions and for fostering human resources. We will also assist diverse working styles by enhancing our productivity through DX promotion.
3. Promoting thorough compliance and respect for human rights
On the basis of our "Nippon Chemi-Con Group Charter of Corporate Behavior" and the " Nippon Chemi-Con Group Business Conduct Guidelines," we will comply with laws and ordinances of other countries and sincerely engage in activities on our firm corporate ethics and social conscience. We are also determined to work on fair and proper transactions in our entire supply chains and to promote respect for human rights.
4. Maintaining constructive dialogs with stakeholders and mutual understanding
We will disclose corporate information in a fair, proper and understandable manner and continue to enhance our corporate value, by maintaining constructive dialogs with our stakeholders and understanding each other.