Products LineupInductors (Coils/Cores)

Toroidal Differential Mode/Boost PFC Choke Coil TM Series LBTM002901N7-V0E

  • RoHS


Excellent frequency and temperature characteristics. Core loss significantly reduced, allowing small size and less heat in high frequencies.

Part Number LBTM002901N7-V0E
In Production:Product is in mass production.
NRND:Not recommended for new design.
To be Discontinued:We are planning to discontinue production of this item.
Discontinued:Production of this product has stopped.
Under development :Products under development. Listed product specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
In Production
Successor Model -
Previous Part Number
This is the previous part number system.
It may be described in safety standards, but please do not use it when ordering.
Series TM
Core Material Amorphous (Non-gap Type)
Core Abbreviation N7
Applicable Temperature Range -40 ~ 130 ℃
Storage Temperature -40 ~ 130 ℃
Inductance 1500 μH / 0 A, 200 kHz (Reference data)
900 μH / 2 A, 200 kHz (Reference data)
Inductance Tolerance -25 % / 25 %
Rated Current 2 A
Peak Current - A
D.C.R. 240 mΩmax.
Winding(mmφ - lines) ⌀0.60-1P Wire: PEW – Plating material: Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu
Rated Voltage - V
Inductance Coefficient -- / -A, -kHz
-- / -A, -kHz
Rated Current Ampere Turn -AT
Magnetic Path Length -cm
Cross Sectional Area -cm²
Dimension D1 32mm
Dimension D2 32.5mm
Dimension W 15.5mm
Dimension l -mm
Dimension w -mm
Dimension h -mm
Dimension L 30mm
Dimension a 1.5mm max.
Dimension ⌀D -mm
Dimension ⌀d -mm
Dimension D -mm
Dimension ⌀ID -mm
Dimension H -mm
Dimension W -mm
Dimension P1 -mm
Dimension P2 -mm
Dimension P3 -mm
Dimension P4 -mm
Dimension P5 -mm
Dimension h1 -
Dimension h2 -
Standard Mounting Direction Vertical
Case Type Parts Number
Both coating types (no case) and case types can be used.
Case types are recommended when the coils are used in a high-voltage circuit.
Please order case types with this parts number.
Insulation Type B
Flame Resistance UL94V-0
Reference Weight
This is a representing value calculated from a standard material composition.
Note that the reference weights are not considered as guaranteed value.
37 g
Minimum Order Quantity
This is the packing quantity for standard packing specifications.
231 pcs/Box
Shelf Life 12 months
RoHS Compliant
10 Restricted Substances
2011/65/EU and (EU) 2015/863
Please refer to AEC-Q 200 for details.

Standard Mounting Direction


Mounting Direction No pedestal Pedestal without pins Pedestal with pins
Vertical LBTM002901N7-V0E LBTM002901N7-D0E LBTM002901N7-Y0E
Horizontal LBTM002901N7-H0E LBTM002901N7-B0E LBTM002901N7-W0E

Even if it is not applicable (N/A), it may be applicable depending on the conditions. Please contact us.

Dimension [mm]


Part Numbering System

Part Numbering System

Characteristics Data

  • D.C. Bias Characteristics