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Selected Category:Camera Module > Judicious Use

Nippon Chemi-Con offers a line of camera modules compatible with waterproof and dustproof standards "IP69K" and "IP67".
You can choose from models with water resistance that match your environment.

We have a lineup of USB conversion modules for evaluation of camera modules.
By combining with our digital output camera, you can easily check the shooting content on a Windows computer.

By using a camera module with analog output, you can install a camera that can be easily connected to a recording device at low cost.

USBI/F boards compatible with our camera modules are recommended for use with Windows 7, 8 and 10. Operation is not guaranteed for Linux and embedded OS.

The high dynamic range (HDR) function of the camera module is an image correction process that expands brightness width to enable the simultaneous exposure of locations with significant differences in brightness.

Camera module parallel data means that the output signal is in parallel, while serial data means that the output signal is in series.


The camera module exposure time is the time for which the sensor is exposed to light. It can be adjusted within a range of a few milliseconds to a few dozen milliseconds. This exposure is the brightness index of the image. The Auto Exposure (AE) function automatically adjusts the exposure according to the ambient brightness and IC register settings.


The camera module's white balance is the correction applied to adjust the hue in color cameras. And Auto White Balance (AWB) is a function that automatically adjusts the white balance according to color information from the surroundings or the settings of the IC register.


The camera module depth of field describes the range over which the entire image is in focus. This is referred to as "shallow" or "deep". And the F value gives the aperture of the lens. Generally, a small F value results in a shallow depth of field, and a large F value results in a deep depth of field.


A camera module's image circle refers to the circle or range over which the light that passes through the lens forms an image. The way the image looks is determined by the size of the image circle and the size of the light receiving area of the image sensor. The optical axis is the center of the image circle and the axis of the optical center.


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